Startup Brand Recognition: Know These Strategies To Overcome Your Competitors

Photo: Author design with Canva help

Are you a startup overtaken by your competition, struggling to make your mark? If your idea seems drowned in the noise and your audience isn’t connecting, fear not. A lack of a clear brand strategy might be holding you back. As a brand strategist, I’ve seen many startups face similar challenges, struggling with the challenging… Continue reading Startup Brand Recognition: Know These Strategies To Overcome Your Competitors

Unlocking Your Brand Personality: A Unique Step-by-Step Blueprint

Photo: Author design with Canva help

Imagine you’re walking into a crowded room full of different individuals vying for your attention. Amidst this digital noise, your brand stands out not just because of its logo or color scheme, but because of the personality it showcases. Where your products and services abound, one thing to make your brand different from others is… Continue reading Unlocking Your Brand Personality: A Unique Step-by-Step Blueprint

Case Study Storytelling: Know How You Can Develop Your Brand Story

Photo: Designed by author

Initially, I didn’t want to show up in digital spaces. I thought such was a complete show and brag off signs of I know more people. Which wasn’t the case. But people before me were trying to tell their brand stories to their audiences to strengthen their brand reputation. 4 years back, sad moments happened.… Continue reading Case Study Storytelling: Know How You Can Develop Your Brand Story

5 Ultimate Ways Branding Can Skyrocket Your Startup Funding

Author: Self design with Canva help

Alan Clayton of ACA Philanthropy & Fundraising argues that while building a brand is crucial for the company, fundraised income is the primary justification for brand investment.  In this era of startups, where innovation is the heartbeat and fundraising the lifeblood, the relationship between branding and financial success takes center stage.  Review this: a staggering… Continue reading 5 Ultimate Ways Branding Can Skyrocket Your Startup Funding

Breaking the Norms: My Journey and Insights in Online Business

- Photo: Author design

Allow me to discuss what I do and the progression of my journey since launching my business in the mid of 2023. To be precious, I help to identify brand areas of improvement, address issues, and offer customized solutions to solo, start-ups, and small businesses. Just the way you see agencies. One would call me… Continue reading Breaking the Norms: My Journey and Insights in Online Business

5 Game Changing Brand Value Secrets You Need To Know Right Now

- Photo: Author design

In this competitive era, crafting brand values can serve as a true North Star compass for your company. Since brand values are the principles, beliefs, and ideals that guide your company’s every move from product development to customer engagement. At the start of my solo journey – April 2020, I made a huge mistake of not first… Continue reading 5 Game Changing Brand Value Secrets You Need To Know Right Now

Ultimate Brand Strategy: The hidden Key Facts And Best Practices

- Photo: Author self design

How to develop a brand strategy