Breaking the Norms: My Journey and Insights in Online Business

- Photo: Author design
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Last Updated on Wed-Mar-2024 by Robert Bogere

Allow me to discuss what I do and the progression of my journey since launching my business in the mid of 2023.

To be precious, I help to identify brand areas of improvement, address issues, and offer customized solutions to solo, start-ups, and small businesses.

Just the way you see agencies. One would call me one, but I’m not an agency.

However, it should be noted prior to advancing in this industry, I held a different perspective regarding the mindset commonly embraced by professional marketers.

The idea of starting up a marketing agency. Most marketers with advanced marketing knowledge are looking at starting up marketing agencies.

Discover: How I managed to craft my brand essence and what it means to have it for your brand.

Back to our story. With agencies, you pay ambiguous fees to work on your projects. 

With my idea, my target customers work with an individual hand in hand to grow their brands together.

So when I say ambiguous fees, this is what I mean. You’re paying for many services like retainer fees, etc, whether you’re a big or small brand. 

It doesn’t matter to them. Some of my audience can’t afford such costs because they are running on limited budgets.

Filling a Gap in Support

My focus is solo, start-up, and small businesses because there are few people [in my country] who are out there to help such brands grow better.

Those who would help are too busy with their 9–5 jobs and don’t have enough time to juggle such work.

Others who would like to help are here and there. When I say here and there, I mean they’ve limited specialty in one area. 

You find them not having enough knowledge and skills needed to offer such help.

My goal is to be a hands-on partner for your businesses, helping you grow without breaking the bank.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

My other focus was to take a different path which many people in my country haven’t taken and enjoy their freedom.

When I refer to taking a different path, I mean people in my country typically associate progress and achievement with following a specific trajectory: 

Attending school, pursuing higher education at a university, seeking employment, acquiring a car, finding a partner, getting married, starting a family, purchasing property and constructing a home, upgrading vehicles, pursuing advanced degrees, obtaining promotions within their current jobs or transitioning to positions at different companies.

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Grow until you retire and venture either into consultancy work or farming. I wanted to challenge this.

When I understood it, I took a different path from what others were taking to explore more what was on the other path.

Building Global Connections

Taking a unique path in my career, I’m working on growing my presence and audiences on platforms like Medium, Quora, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

I’m opening up various partnerships with like-minded visionary smart people across the globe. It’s not a simple journey, but I believe in challenging myself.

Photo: Follow Up E-mail

So far I reached out to some, and I got one from the US, who got interested in my idea and was okay to form a great partnership with me.

Photo: Responsive from my collegue

My vision has always been helping brands grow for generational years. 

Imagine sitting there and seeing a great brand you helped and is making it across the globe. That’s where I see myself. And that’ll happen.

I know it’s not an easy game, but to grow you need to challenge yourself with doing hard things.

In order to succeed on my journey, it is essential to possess a range of skills. 

Not only must one be skilled in sales for sending cold e-mails, but also have expertise in content marketing to attract the target audience. 

Proficiency in computer skills is necessary for resolving website issues, while knowledge of SEO is crucial for optimizing content. 

Additionally, graphic design skills are beneficial for creating visually appealing materials, and e-mail marketing expertise is required for building and nurturing an email list. 

Furthermore, possessing strong marketing skills is essential for effectively positioning and promoting oneself. These are just a few of the many skills needed on this journey towards success.

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I believe in myself, therefore I’m not worried at what people say or the negative vibe around me. I keep on.

I know it’s part of life. Everyone started somewhere and I’m patient with my journey and the process.

I’m everything. I do my research, write, and publish my articles on this site + working on other written content across other platforms I’m on without hiring any ghostwriter.

Since I’m a marketer by profession, I’m a marketer who offers many stuff to my brand, prospects, and clients.

I’m so grateful for my journey, support, what I passed through, and people who always believed in me since I started this journey of mine until now. 

Feel free to take this journey with me to see your brands grow from scratch.

Starting Your Journey: Practical Tips

For those considering a similar journey, you need to have a clear purpose. Why do you want to start this journey?

Think of a niche to serve. You may need to resort to marketing, but marketing is too broad. 

With marketing, you may think of e-mail marketing where you could solve issues of various companies in writing and drafting different emails.

You could think of brand management — where you could be a brand strategist. 

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

You could think of copy writing where you can write for companies different copies like landing pages, sales pages, web copies, social media copies, etc.

You can also niche in the industry you want to serve, say SaaS [Service as a software] companies, tech companies, hospitality, food entities, etc.

After you niche down, you need to develop a strong unique selling proposition — something which makes you to stand out—closing a sale in 24 hours. 

That would attract people to hire your services. You’ll need to build an audience. Turn such an audience into your customers. 

How? You need to qualify your target audience and ensure they benefit from your service.

Identity what they are not doing right and propose to them. In proposing to them, since you’re new to them, do one thing – offer your first service for free. 

See how they respond to your offer. If they allow you to go on kindly work on their issue.

Such people won’t forget about you. That way, you’re a problem solver. Such people will be willing to give you a testimonial about what you did for them.

Use that testimonial in your messages to show how you help so and so in solving such a problem. With time, others will also reach out to solve the same problem.

Try to be in groups of like-minded, similar people. For example, I’m into the brand strategy community. 

It’s such a great group for brand strategists. With such groups, you identify people you’ll need to partner with. Remember, nowadays partnership is the way to go.

Robert Bogere
Photo: Author working

If you’re offering brand strategy services to a certain customer, your customer may need design services that you are not able to offer. 

When you partnered with a strategic designer, you would make extra money. It’s a win-win situation for both sides.

Another thing, if you happen to have enough resources, build your website. You will attract a big audience of people with the problems you’re solving.

Learn how to do content writing. Start sharing various content in line with what you do to attract your target audience. 

When you do such, you’ll get inbound leads of the work you want. For those who would like to take this journey, you need to be prepared. 

It’s not for desperate people. It’s for people who are willing to sacrifice everything to see them grow, achieve what they want, and earn their freedom.

Recap of my story

Preparation is Key: It’s not for everyone

This journey isn’t for desperate people; it requires sacrifice and preparation. Have a clear purpose of why you want to venture into such space.

And don’t move into such space when you haven’t saved something because you will turn out to be a needy person. Over to you on that side.

If you found value in my story, subscribe to my newsletter where you’ll receive weekly tips on growing your brand from scratch.

Robert Bogere

By Robert Bogere

Meet Robert... A determined soul who battled with self-doubt. Feeling trapped in rut race for 8 years, he struggled through careers and lost confidence. On edges to give up for good. One day, he decided to show up and started on LinkedIn where he started studying FREE online courses plus making sales noise. The above changed his life and now offering proper strategic guidance and direction with customized brand solutions to 2x clients and revenue growth to purposeful startups and small businesses.