How I Created My Offer Using Alex Hormozi Value Equation

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Last Updated on Fri-Apr-2024 by Robert Bogere

Wondering why some brands take off while others don’t? Or why do some creators shine brightly but quickly fade away? You’re not alone. I’ve been there.

It comes back to what you’re offering. It’s a frustrating experience many of us pass through in our journey as entrepreneurs or creators. But here’s the thing.

It’s not how hard you work or how great your product/service is. It’s about your brand offer—the irresistible proposition that grabs your potential customer’s attention to take an immediate action.

In this article, you’ll learn what an irresistible offer is, how to create one that works, and how I created mine using Alex Hormozi value equation. Let’s dig in!

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What is an irresistible offer?

An irresistible offer is an ultimate proposal of your product/service that attracts your target audience to take action either to buy, subscribe to your plan, sign up, etc

An offer answers the question of what is it for your customers.

Put, an irresistible offer is a strategy attracting potential customers by luring them with your promise of interesting value.

It isn’t about the product or service you’re selling, but your entire package. The key is knowing your customers’ needs and wants.  

According to Alex Hormozi, the dream outcome is the expression of the feelings and experiences your prospect has envisioned in their mind.

When I’m dealing with your brand, an offer is my bare minimum thing to start with.

Without it, there’s no way you can start building your brand. It has to tell a story your customers resonate with.

How do you create a killer irresistible offer?

When you craft your irresistible offer which solves your target audience problems more than your competitors, you build an ultimate authority and attract meaningful opportunities and customers.

It gives you clarity and direction of your content to share with your potential audience with ease without any risk.

It should showcase your functional and emotional benefits to your target customers because they buy emotions.

The most common mistake I see with personal brands is building and attracting an audience when you don’t have what to offer to your potential audience.

If you’re stuck with your brand, this is what you need to do to create an irresistible offer.

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1. Define your brand offer 

When crafting your offer, you need to position your solution as noble to buy in and combine it with a desirable proposition. Think of your desirable proposition as:

  • Bonuses
  • Customer care
  • Social proof
  • Free product demos
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Working with your customer until happy with results.
Photo: Markus Spiske | Unsplash

With the above propositions, you need to find out what works for your niche. Not every proposition works for every space.

You need to carry out research and find out what works for your customers. What do they like? Remember, your potential customers are unique.

2. Highlight your irresistible brand offer benefits

How do you showcase your solution?

Think of questions like;

  • What challenges will it save?
  • What are my customers’ problems?
  • Why do my customers need my services?

Make it a point to find a solution to your customer problems.

  • What are their targets?
  • Are they price sensitive?
  • What are the limiting beliefs?
  • How much time should they commit to get results?

Check up your competitors in the market. Ask yourself what is lacking in the market you can offer.

Photo: Brooke Lark | Unsplash

Then craft a list of your solution. When crafting your ideas, take into consideration these (2) types of benefits.

Functional benefits

What is the functionality of your product? Think of something you need to be known for as a brand.

Emotional benefits

What feeling will your customers get when they buy your services?

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3. Provide your offer guarantee

Who doesn’t like a guarantee?

Mine? I work with my customers until they’re happy with my results.

Your guarantee takes off the risk from your customers whether they’ll get results or not.

Photo: Nathan Dumlao | Unsplash

If it fails to work for them, of course, they’ll return it in case you have a product return policy in place.

This is what others call risk reversal. Be mindful of using a guarantee which works for your target customers.

They’re services that take long to get positive results. Would you consider a money guarantee? Of course not.

Think of guarantees like;

  • Time-sensitive
  • 24/7 Customer care
  • Product replacement
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Money-back guarantee

4. Promise fast results

Who doesn’t like faster results?

Your target audience is looking for faster results. Remember, not every solution gives quicker results, for example, branding. It takes some good time to see its results.

Photo: Isaac Smith | Unsplash

This shouldn’t deter you from offering your services. If it takes time, offer bonuses in terms of templates, weekly check-ins, personalized plans, free blueprints, etc.

5. Regular improvement

Since the world is changing at a terrific speed, you need to keep refining your offer.

You don’t need to wait for other brands to push you out of business.

Photo: Jungwoo Hong | Unsplash

You don’t need to be a onetime brand. You need to stay relevant in your marketplace. That way, you’ll be required to update your offer once a while.

How I created my offer using Alex Hormozi’s value equation

If you’re a brand with clear clarity and direction, crafting your brand offer becomes so easy, though not simple, because you’re playing with your brand positioning and messaging.

With your positioning, you’re planning how to be perceived by your target customers. And, messaging you’re making us know about your brand.

Do you have an irresistible brand offer but struggling with getting meaningful opportunities? I got you. Book a call now and we talk.

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Alex Hormozi’s value equation

The above value equation has four (4) components;

  • Maximize dream outcome (Solve problem solving)
  • Minimize time to success (How can we make this faster)
  • Minimize effort and sacrifice (How can we make this easier)
  • Maximize perceived likelihood of success (Testimonials and case studies)
Photo: Author design

1. Maximize the dream outcome

According the Alex, the dream outcome is the expression of the feelings and experiences your prospect has envisioned in his/her mind. 

Photo: Yohann Lc | Unsplash

Your potential customers are always looking at these outcomes.

  • To be loved 
  • To be respected 
  • To increase their status
  • To be perceived as powerful
  • To be perceived as beautiful

Reviewing my offer, which is helping you to improve brand performance 10X profitably in 90 days through identifying brand gaps and address issues.

Looking at the side of a 10X increase in profitably, these are my potential dream outcomes

  • Increased sales
  • Increased leads
  • Market share expansion
  • Perceived thought leadership
  • Improved customer retention
  • Improved customer acquisition
  • Attraction of meaningful opportunities

When you’re coming up with this, you need to focus on the real outcomes you can deliver. Short of it, you’re misleading your brand.

2. Maximize perceived likelihood of achievement

How are your customers sure you’ll deliver your promise? This is where you’ve to plan such. Your potential customers always pay for certainty.

Photo: Guille Alvarez | Unsplash

You can only achieve the above in many approaches, as below;

  • Your reviews
  • Your messaging
  • Your guarantees
  • Your testimonials

With messaging, it has to be simple to describe your offer so a grade 9 English speaker can know what you say.

And guarantees you’re working on your risk reversal. You’re reducing risk and proving you’re willing to invest your time and money in the right product/service.

Then testimonials: It’s where your past client is showing his/her results because of the work you did.

Some are like, I’m just starting. I don’t have testimonials. Alex says if you’re yet to have testimonials, develop content about your expertise and personality.

Back to my offer, with my guarantee. I describe how I work with my clients until they’re happy with their results.

Again, I have some testimonials from my past customers, from both solo, startups, and small businesses talking about my brand.

3. Minimize time to success

How so fast will you help your customers with their goals?

Time to succeed is your time delay. The perception of time plays a significant role in a customer’s willingness to pay.

Review my offer, I promise to identify brand gaps.

Photo: Lukas Blazek | Unsplash

Checking and understanding what aspects of your brand are lacking or not performing well, that way I’m offering an audit showing what needs to be worked on reaching your brand goals.

I may have not started working on your issues, but straight out, knowing where the problems are, you’re seeing progress as quickly as possible.

Now, how are you planning for your time delay for your customers to achieve their targets?

4. Minimize effort and sacrifice 

How will you get results?

By minimizing effort and sacrifice, you’re decreasing the perceived efforts and sacrifice involved.

Think of your potential customers who don’t want to put in extra effort.

Photo: Natalie Pedigo | Unsplash

You can think of offering extra bonuses like customizable templates, tools, frameworks, plans, etc. to make it easier for your customers to make quick progress on their own.

5. Putting it together

Since you now know the components of your offer, you need to align your potential problems with your solutions.

Start with coming up with your potential customers’ problems before, during, and after your services.

Reviewing mine, after working on my client’s web copy, who’s going to design for them a website?

I can address this challenge by searching for a competent web designer and developer within my circles to design one for them.

Managing such a task may lead to additional charges on top of the first service.

Another one would be, how will my customer know my services worked?

I tell them to review their sales before and after my services to know whether sales increased or not.

With noble offers, you don’t need to struggle with your marketing. To craft one is so easy but not so simple. You need some experts to help craft one.

Don’t you think it’s your time to work on your offer? You need help to craft one or refine one you have?

Send me an email to Or Book my 1:1 free strategy. Place the button below.

Brand irresistible offer conclusion

As someone who ever got lost, I know firsthand how challenging to be unique in the marketplace.

But I’ve also observed the power of an irresistible brand offer firsthand.

It’s what has allowed me to turn things around and build a thriving online business.

So whether you’re stuck or looking for a way to take your brand to the next level, remember this;

It’s about your brand offer. By incorporating the insights we’ve discussed above—and focusing on your unique brand story and experiences—you’ll be well-equipped to craft your offers that not only drive sales but also forge lasting connections with your potential customers.

It’s time to embrace the power of irresistible brand offers and write your next chapter of your brand success story.

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Robert Bogere

By Robert Bogere

Meet Robert... A determined soul who battled with self-doubt. Feeling trapped in rut race for 8 years, he struggled through careers and lost confidence. On edges to give up for good. One day, he decided to show up and started on LinkedIn where he started studying FREE online courses plus making sales noise. The above changed his life and now offering proper strategic guidance and direction with customized brand solutions to 2x clients and revenue growth to purposeful startups and small businesses.