Brand Guidelines Importance In Consistent Branding You Need To Know

Photo: Author design with Canva help

Is your startup or small business struggling with its brand consistency? I’ve got you. Get to know what are brand guidelines. In this era where your brand vies for attention amidst your competitors, the concept of brand guidelines emerges as a beacon of clarity and consistency. At its core, brand guidelines work like a GPS… Continue reading Brand Guidelines Importance In Consistent Branding You Need To Know

Startup Brand Recognition: Know These Strategies To Overcome Your Competitors

Photo: Author design with Canva help

Are you a startup overtaken by your competition, struggling to make your mark? If your idea seems drowned in the noise and your audience isn’t connecting, fear not. A lack of a clear brand strategy might be holding you back. As a brand strategist, I’ve seen many startups face similar challenges, struggling with the challenging… Continue reading Startup Brand Recognition: Know These Strategies To Overcome Your Competitors

Unlocking Your Brand Growth: Brand Extension Strategy Blueprint

Photo: Author design with Canva help

According to a study by Nielsen, successful brand line extensions can result in a revenue increase of up to 20% for companies, highlighting the significant financial impact of leveraging existing brand equity into new product categories or markets. As a brand strategist, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of brands. From the local coffee shops becoming… Continue reading Unlocking Your Brand Growth: Brand Extension Strategy Blueprint

Unlocking Your Brand Personality: A Unique Step-by-Step Blueprint

Photo: Author design with Canva help

Imagine you’re walking into a crowded room full of different individuals vying for your attention. Amidst this digital noise, your brand stands out not just because of its logo or color scheme, but because of the personality it showcases. Where your products and services abound, one thing to make your brand different from others is… Continue reading Unlocking Your Brand Personality: A Unique Step-by-Step Blueprint

Case Study Storytelling: Know How You Can Develop Your Brand Story

Photo: Designed by author

Initially, I didn’t want to show up in digital spaces. I thought such was a complete show and brag off signs of I know more people. Which wasn’t the case. But people before me were trying to tell their brand stories to their audiences to strengthen their brand reputation. 4 years back, sad moments happened.… Continue reading Case Study Storytelling: Know How You Can Develop Your Brand Story

How You Can Develop A Meaningful Brand Essence + Examples

Photo Credit: Author design

My brand’s foundation is shown through my best brand essence example: This guides my actions, decisions, and messages. This brief yet comprehensive statement describes the essential idea behind my entire brand. It serves as the basis for all my activities like content, messaging, and many other stuff.  My brand essence example expresses emotional and intangible… Continue reading How You Can Develop A Meaningful Brand Essence + Examples

Brand Positioning Statement: Everything You Need To Know

Photo: Author design With Canva help

When I think of prominent brands, I can’t fail to mention Coca-Cola, Volvo, Toyota, Pepsi, Mercedes Benz, and many others. Why? Because I’ve grown up seeing such brands being used by many people I know and don’t know. Until I studied advanced marketing and noticed the difference with such brands is they mastered the art… Continue reading Brand Positioning Statement: Everything You Need To Know

The Important Brand Consistency Hidden Facts People Don’t Talk About

Photo Credit: Author design with Canva help

In today’s gig world, I suffer fierce competition to attract my target audience’s attention. It’s no different to you reading this note or any other brand out there. May be I and you have issues with our brand consistency examples. Who knows? I know competition is health, but how can you favorably compete with other… Continue reading The Important Brand Consistency Hidden Facts People Don’t Talk About

Ultimate brand experience strategies you need to know + Examples

Photo credit: Tim Mossholder | Unsplash

If you’re out there thinking of brand experience as working on your marketing assets in more appealing way, then you’re missing out the real point. Brand experience is beyond that. Working on brand experience, you aim to win the souls of your customer’s attention and loyalty by experimenting with your products or services. Your brand… Continue reading Ultimate brand experience strategies you need to know + Examples

The Best Affordable Design Tool People Don’t Talk About

Photo: Author design

Need a simple, powerful, and affordable design tool? Are you facing issues with designing your branded content? If yes, worry no more. Here’s the best design tool. The number of design tools and high-end designing has grown in numbers in the past few years. This tool powers close to 20+ million users and businesses across… Continue reading The Best Affordable Design Tool People Don’t Talk About